Middle School Parents and Students!! Remember that October 13th is Picture Day at the Middle School. Make sure you bring your picture packet and payment with you on that day!!
DCMS Students, here is the link to vote for Student Council - https://forms.gle/FZUDoY7hsTUNVmgZ6
Tuesday, September 14th our Davis County Middle School Football team will face off against Central Decatur with action beginning at 4:30. This was a game that was originally scheduled for September 16th.
Homecoming festivities are around the corner! Middle Schoolers will be decorating the lockers.
Make sure to check out the coloring contest at the Pulaski Corn Show this weekend! Third and fifth graders participated in this event in Mrs. Byrd's art class. All students' coloring sheets will be displayed starting today in the Art Hall in the Pulaski park. Judging will take place tomorrow morning with cash prizes given. Each student chose from coloring sheets that honored job professions such as: Fire Fighter, Farmer, Teacher, Nurse, and Law Enforcement. Students have done a great job and are excited to share their work!
Be sure to attend the Pulaski Corn Show - DCMS Band will be playing!
Dear Davis County,
Under new IDPH guidance, Davis County CSD will no longer be sending notifications to possible contacts of a COVID-19 case at school. Just as with all illnesses there is risk of possible exposure any day we are around others. We encourage families and staff to keep this in mind and understand the importance of staying home if you have any symptoms of illness.
Dan Maeder, Superintendent
Davis County Middle School Homecoming Week Agenda!!
Information for 5/6 grade volleyball is now available. You can also check Davis County Volleyball's Facebook page for information, as well as the Middle School office.
Letter to 5/6 Parents: https://5il.co/ymmn
5/6 Volleyball Registration: Form: https://5il.co/ymmm
Dc Middle School Homecoming permission slip!!
Davis County Middle School Announcements!!
Great news families! Davis County Schools is able to continue to provide breakfast and lunch free of charge to any child 18 & under. Online students and children (18 & under), please use this link to sign up for delivery! (Students who eat at school do not need to sign up.) https://forms.gle/qeZ1c7HU81NfTKzZ6
5th - 8th grade students are invited to a Back to School Bash at the Mutchler Center on August 20 from 5:00 - 6:30PM. Cost is $5.00. Refreshments will be available for a small donation. Wear neon or white attire to stand out in the glow-in-the-dark dance!
The DCMS Parent/Student Welcome Back Flyer and FAQ can be found here - https://www.smore.com/mtw39
Please let us know if you need anything from us in preparation for a great school year!
5th Grade Parents... it's time to Strike Up the Band!
Beginning Band Rental Night with West Music, and a question/answer with Mrs. Cook is Tuesday, Sept. 7, 3:45-6:30pm in the MS Music Room. I will be working with 5th grade right away at the beginning of the year on instrument selection. An email with all the details and a survey that you need to return to Mrs. Cook is coming mid-next week.
Attention All 7th and 12th Grade Students!
Remember vaccines are needed prior to the first day of school. Avoid a last minute rush by contacting your healthcare provider now.
Open House for students/families in 5th-8th grade;
Location: Davis County Middle School;
Food, drinks, music and games provided;
Raffles and prizes for those in attendance.
We hope to see you there!
Davis County Middle School Supply list for 2021-22 school year!
💢Are you a Davis County resident? We need your feedback! Davis County Hospital & Clinics and Davis County Public Health are working together to complete the 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) for Davis County.
If you would like to participate in the survey, please go to https://forms.office.com/r/G0f224hncV. You may also fill out the survey in paper form by contacting Davis County Hospital & Clinics at 641-664-7093. All surveys must be received by August 6th, 2021.
Completing a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) is a federal requirement for non-profit hospitals and must be completed at least every three years with input from the broader community, including public health. Data from this CHNA survey will help health care providers and community organizations improve the overall health and wellness of our community, and identify community needs, establish priorities for programs and services, and inform strategies to address gaps between critical needs and services.
All Davis County, Iowa residents and business leaders are encouraged to participate. Included in the 2022 CHNA surveys are questions dealing with community health regarding service delivery, fitness, nutrition, and access to care. All survey responses are anonymous and completing the survey takes less than 10 minutes.
2022 Davis County Community Health Needs Assessment - Davis County Hospital & Clinics (dchc.org) -
Mark your calendars! IHCC's G.E.M.S. (Girls Exploring Math & Science) Camp is coming up with two sessions, the first: July 15-16, 2021 and the second: July 22-23, 2021! The G.E.M.S. Camp is open to female students finishing the 3rd, 4th, or 5th grades.
Girls meet with professional women working in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields, as well as create, explore, and discover through S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Engineering Math) projects!
Location: Advanced Technology Center, IHCC, Main Campus (Ottumwa)
Register your Camper on IHCC's website at: https://www.indianhills.edu/news/events/gems.php