Reminder: Is your family in need of a little screen-life balance? Save the date of January 28th for our Screen Sanity Parent Night, an event that will equip you with tools and techniques for raising happy, healthy kids in an increasingly digital world. Check our this video: You may register here:
1 day ago, Kelsi Sankot
Screen Sanity
It's a season of lights and that's exactly what you'd find in Mrs. Kira VanWinkle's the last week or so. Her 8th Grade students were challenged to create and light 3 buildings using a different type of circuit for each building. What a fun demonstration of learning before winter break!
16 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
Circut team
circuit bldgs
circuit 3
circuit 4
circuit 5
Happy Holidays from the Mustang family to yours! We wish you a joyful winter break with a chance to rest and relax. Can you guess who is who from our district leadership team!?
17 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
Happy Holidays from the District Leadership Team!
We spotlight Jeremy White this week! He is now a professor at Iowa State University.
20 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
Jeremy White 1
Jeremy White 2
Jeremy White 3
Jeremy White 4
We just wanted to remind you about sharing your input about desired skills and characteristics for our next Davis County / Moulton-Udell CSDs Shared Superintendent. We have contracted with Grundmeyer Leader Services to assist us with the search; step one of the process is to elicit input from district patrons via a Stakeholder Survey. If you have not yet done so, please complete the survey as soon as possible. If you already have completed the survey, thank you (complete it only once per person). Enclosed is a flyer about the Stakeholder Survey, as well as the link to the actual survey. If you prefer, the direct link to the survey is below; the survey closes December 20. Thank you for providing input to the Boards of Education in moving forward with this most important hire. Survey flyer: Survey link:
24 days ago, Davis County CSD
Next up, Kyle Miller! Kyle is a recent graduate. He worked for his current employer during high school, furthered his education and is now Marketing Director.
27 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
Kyle Miller Spotlight
Kyle Miller Spotlight 2
Kyle Miller Spotlight 3
Kyle Miller Spotlight 4
Attention Seniors! The FAFSA is officially open. If you or your parent/guardian would like assistance in completing the application, we will be hosting two FAFSA completion events at the high school. The first event is Wednesday, December 11th 3:00-7:00 pm . The next event will be Wednesday, January 8th 3:00-7:00 pm. Scan QR or use the link below to reserve a timeslot!
about 1 month ago, Kelsi Sankot
FAFSA Completion List
FAFSA Completion Date 1
FAFSA Completion Date 2
Today, we spotlight one of our own, April Kerby!
about 1 month ago, Kelsi Sankot
April Kerby spotlight title
April Kerby spotlight 2
April Kerby 3
April Kerby spotlight 4
We hope all of our students find many reasons to be thankful this holiday. Enjoy the break - we will see you Monday! 🦃🥧
about 1 month ago, Kelsi Sankot
See you Monday!
Happy Thanksgiving
Please take a moment this week, American Education Week, to say "thank you" to our Davis County Mustang personnel! American Education Week is hosted be the National Education Association to "honor the team of people who work in our nation’s public schools, everyone from the bus driver and classroom teacher to the cafeteria worker and administrative staff, plus countless others."
about 2 months ago, Kelsi Sankot
American Education Week
Reminder: We have an early out today with Parent/Teacher Conferences starting at 1 PM.
about 2 months ago, Kelsi Sankot
PT Conferences Reminder Thursday
This Alumni Spotlight is on Sarah Cline -she loves leading teams and helping others grow in their careers!
about 2 months ago, Kelsi Sankot
Sarah Cline Interview 1
Sarah Cline Interview 2
Sarah Cline Interview 3
Advice from Sarah Cline
Attending conferences is a great way to get to know all the faces your student sees every day of school. We look forward to seeing some of you tonight! . For those of you that may have missed it, there is still time to sign-up for Thursday's conferences at:
about 2 months ago, Kelsi Sankot
Reminder: P/T Conferences
Our next Alumni Spotlight is on Joe Melvin, a graduate of MIT and Stanford University. As educators, we appreciate him sharing his "desire to attain the best education possible" with our students! Check out Joe's responses, including advice for students!
2 months ago, Kelsi Sankot
Alumni Spotlight Title
Joe Melvin Responses 1
Joe Melvin Responses 2
Joe Melvin Responses 3
Joe Melvin Responses 4
Many Davis County High School Alumni have inspiring careers to share. We've captured some of them and plan to share more throughout the year. Here's the first one from Deb Smith on her career at W. L. Gore ( Thank you to those that have already responded. Any DCHS Alumni that wish to share their story with our students, please share here:
3 months ago, Kelsi Sankot
DCHS Alumni Spotlight Title
1970	BA from N. Arizona University	Worked doing Research and Development  for W.L. Gore & Associates in their Medical Division. Im retired now...
What inspired you to choose this pathway? W.L. Gore was a start up company when I interviewed with them and sounded so interesting. They had already invented an artificial artery that was hugely successful. It was their mission to better people's lives. In the 23 years i worked there many life enhancing products were taken from "ideas" to "realities" in the health field. It was exciting and gratifying to be a part of their team.
Have you had any career changes? What did you previously do?  After Gore I worked the front desk at a Middle and High School. My husband and daughter both taught there. We all loved getting to know the students and following them as they graduated and went off to make their mark in the world.
Advice: Go see the world.... learn that it is a big place full of all kinds of people, of all different backgrounds and ways of thinking. Learn to accept the phrase, "know what you don't know". Think about how you could make our world a better place. The world needs creative, kind people. Find what you love to do....and go do it!
On Friday morning, September 20, Davis County Schools was made aware of a threat from a high school student through a video posted on Tik Tok. The student who made the video was NOT at school today. Officers were called and responded within two minutes. All buildings went into a lockdown status. Shortly after, it was confirmed that the threat was not credible and the lockdown was lifted. We have emergency protocols in place that worked, we appreciate everyone’s swift response. All students and staff are safe. Thank you to our law enforcement for their immediate help.
4 months ago, Davis County CSD
Beginning Monday, September 16, Preschool - 5th Grade students will go back to a single lunch option. The lunch menu has been updated on the website. We appreciate your flexibilty as we navigate what works best for our students and staff!
4 months ago, Davis County CSD
school lunch
As part of our Gear Up! Grant, we are looking to gather info from DC Alumni on 'where they are now' and what they are doing. The plan is to feature our alumni on the big screen during games this fall. We'd love to hear from as many as we can!
4 months ago, Davis County CSD
Here is the link to the Davis County Middle Schools daily announcements!!
4 months ago, Davis County Middle School
Please reference the attached map for clarification of the Davis County Elementary and Middle School pick up and drop off process.
4 months ago, Davis County CSD
pickup dropoff map2