Girl Scouts are starting!!!!
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
Girl Scout flyer
The 5th grade Middle School Field trip to Troy Academy that was scheduled for October 2nd has been rescheduled to October 17th 2019.
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
DCMS Community, Please click the link to access the DCMS Quarter 1 Newsletter - Please contact the middle school office with any questions.
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
There are a couple of changes in the MS VB schedule that we want to pass along to parents and players. MS VB will play in Chariton tomorrow, October 1st at 4:15. This is a make-up game from Thursday, Sept. 26th. MS VB will host Chariton on October 17th at 4:15 at the Mutchler Center.
over 5 years ago, Tish Johnson
The parent meeting about ALICE training will not take place tomorrow (Monday) night. It has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 3 at 6:30PM in the Middle School Commons.
over 5 years ago, Davis County CSD
In an effort to help the city conserve energy due to recent power issues, the school will not be running air conditioners on Monday. Because of our effort and the high temperatures expected, Davis County Schools will be dismissing at 12:30 on Monday, September 30. Activity practices will be held immediately after school and activity buses will leave the middle school at 2:35 and the high school at 2:40pm. A decision for the JV football game tomorrow night has yet to be made. Please check our website and Facebook page as an update will be made as soon as possible.
over 5 years ago, Davis County CSD
ATTENTION PARENTS: We will be holding a parent informational meeting on Monday September 30, 6:30p.m. at the middle school. Josh O'Dell, from the Davis County Sheriff's Department, will be sharing information and answering any questions you may have about the upcoming A.L.I.C.E. training for our students. We encourage everyone to attend. We hope to see you there!
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
MS Parents and Students, soon we will be sending Homecoming Permission notes home with the students. In order to avoid last minute notes and phone calls, we ask that you PLEASE fill out the permission form completely and return to the MS office NO LATER THAN MONDAY OCTOBER 7TH. This has to be our final cutoff date. We want to do everything we can to make this run smoothly and to avoid any problems. Thank you!!!
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
DCMS Community, Be sure to check out our website News for updates to our grading practices in grades 5-6, all special courses, and in several grade 7-8 courses. With these adjusted practices, calculating honor roll will also be adjusted. Please see the website for more info.
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
***Schedule Change**** Tomorrow's (9.24.19) MS Volleyball game has been postponed to October 14th.
over 5 years ago, Tish Johnson
The Cross Country Meet that was scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. There will be practice at the High School today.
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
DCMS Upcoming Activities - Today 9-12 - Cross Country @ Home - 4:20 pm (Lake Fisher) Tuesday 9-17 - MS Volleyball @ Home - 4:15 pm (Mutchler Center) Thursday 9-19 - MS Football @ Home - 4:30 pm Thanks for coming out and supporting our students!
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
Davis County Middle School Picture Day will be Wednesday October 16th!!
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
Picture Day!!
Middle School Robotics Club will have our first meeting on Tuesday, September 10th after school in the PLTW room. This club is open to any interested 7th or 8th grade student. Permission slips to join the club can be picked up outside the main office. Signed parent permission slips are due back to the main office by Monday September 9 . See Mrs. Stevenson for questions.
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
Reminder that we will have a 7th and 8th grade parent meeting tonight (Tuesday) at 5:30pm in the Middle School Commons. It should last approximately 15 minutes.
over 5 years ago, Tish Johnson
Mr. Brus will be sponsoring a middle school Robotics Club for 7th/8th grade students. There will be an informational meeting on Tuesday 9/10 after school. Permission slips to join can be picked up outside the middle school main office for interested students.
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
7th & 8th Grade Football Practice has been cancelled for tonight
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
Davis County Cross Country Fundraiser!!!!
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School
Cross Country Fundraiser
over 5 years ago, Davis County Middle School