School pictures for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade are Thursday, October 11 in the morning! Get your smiles on!

School Pictures for Preschool, Kindergarten and 1st Grade are Wednesday, October 10 in the morning! Get your smiles on!

Kindergarten Family Night is tonight from 5:30 - 6:30! See ya there!

Parents In Education or P.I.E. for short will have a meeting on Thursday, October 11, 2018 in the elementary library @ 6:00 p.m. All parents are invited and encouraged to come! P.I.E. does lots of AWESOME things for our elementary school! Hope to see new faces there!

Preschool and Kindergarten parents: please send an extra set of clothing in your child's backpack everyday for those "just in case" accidents! We would really appreciate it!

The Elementary Nurse's office is needing Size 4/6 Elastic waist knit pants, sweatpants and underwear for both boys and girls! Please only this request as we are full of other sizes! Thanks!

Happy Friday everyone! Create the Highest, Grandest Vision Possible for your life, because you become what you Believe!

Welcome to our new website!