Happy Holidays from the Mustang family to yours! We wish you a joyful winter break with a chance to rest and relax. Can you guess who is who from our district leadership team!?
about 23 hours ago, Kelsi Sankot
Happy Holidays from the District Leadership Team!
We spotlight Jeremy White this week! He is now a professor at Iowa State University.
4 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
Jeremy White 1
Jeremy White 2
Jeremy White 3
Jeremy White 4
We just wanted to remind you about sharing your input about desired skills and characteristics for our next Davis County / Moulton-Udell CSDs Shared Superintendent. We have contracted with Grundmeyer Leader Services to assist us with the search; step one of the process is to elicit input from district patrons via a Stakeholder Survey. If you have not yet done so, please complete the survey as soon as possible. If you already have completed the survey, thank you (complete it only once per person). Enclosed is a flyer about the Stakeholder Survey, as well as the link to the actual survey. If you prefer, the direct link to the survey is below; the survey closes December 20. Thank you for providing input to the Boards of Education in moving forward with this most important hire. Survey flyer: https://5il.co/32jsd Survey link: https://forms.gle/qJMgcDdrtNfUiBDC8
9 days ago, Davis County CSD
Next up, Kyle Miller! Kyle is a recent graduate. He worked for his current employer during high school, furthered his education and is now Marketing Director.
11 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
Kyle Miller Spotlight
Kyle Miller Spotlight 2
Kyle Miller Spotlight 3
Kyle Miller Spotlight 4
Awesome job to Mrs. Gerleman and all of our performers at the Elementary Concert today! Kindergarten even had a pre-show on the red carpet - an ABC fashion show!
15 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
Red Carpet
Red Carpet 2
DC Elementary 2024 Winter Concert Times The elementary concerts will be livestreamed on the Davis County Schools Youtube page (youtube.com/DavisCountyMustangs) for the convenience of those who are unable or choose not to attend in person.
16 days ago, Betsy Gibson
Winter Concert
DC Elementary Winter Dress Up Days
17 days ago, Betsy Gibson
Dress Up Days
Attention Seniors! The FAFSA is officially open. If you or your parent/guardian would like assistance in completing the application, we will be hosting two FAFSA completion events at the high school. The first event is Wednesday, December 11th 3:00-7:00 pm . The next event will be Wednesday, January 8th 3:00-7:00 pm. Scan QR or use the link below to reserve a timeslot! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8_yGX7Zg6z6H3ONhWIslqEO0kkQLotJlGwfSKJzcWouy8Wg/viewform
17 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
FAFSA Completion List
FAFSA Completion Date 1
FAFSA Completion Date 2
It's a Q and U wedding party in Kindergarten! This was a special ceremony because q and u are always together in words. Students took part as the q(bride) and u(groom), as well as the groomsmen and bridesmaids and Principal Steffen was our officiant! They also had a reception after the wedding! Thanks to our creative Kindergarten staff, q and u will hopefully be remembered together forever!
17 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
Q and U Wedding Party
Q and U Wedding Reception
Q and U Wedding Ceremony
Today, we spotlight one of our own, April Kerby!
18 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
April Kerby spotlight title
April Kerby spotlight 2
April Kerby 3
April Kerby spotlight 4
DC Elementary Preschool Families! Don't forget to join us tomorrow for our preschool family night!
19 days ago, Betsy Gibson
2024 PK Night
We hope all of our students find many reasons to be thankful this holiday. Enjoy the break - we will see you Monday! 🦃🥧
23 days ago, Kelsi Sankot
See you Monday!
Happy Thanksgiving
Don't forget that tomorrow, November 20th, 2024, is picture retake day! Students MUST have their original packet with them when they take their picture tomorrow.
about 1 month ago, Betsy Gibson
Pic Retake
Please take a moment this week, American Education Week, to say "thank you" to our Davis County Mustang personnel! American Education Week is hosted be the National Education Association to "honor the team of people who work in our nation’s public schools, everyone from the bus driver and classroom teacher to the cafeteria worker and administrative staff, plus countless others."
about 1 month ago, Kelsi Sankot
American Education Week
Reminder: We have an early out today with Parent/Teacher Conferences starting at 1 PM.
about 1 month ago, Kelsi Sankot
PT Conferences Reminder Thursday
This Alumni Spotlight is on Sarah Cline -she loves leading teams and helping others grow in their careers!
about 1 month ago, Kelsi Sankot
Sarah Cline Interview 1
Sarah Cline Interview 2
Sarah Cline Interview 3
Advice from Sarah Cline
The Elementary School's Veterans Day Assembly is hosted by the Extended Learning Program (ELP) students. Flag trivia was shared by fourth graders Hank Strathman and Greyson Mishler. Flag Information and folding presented by members of Cub Scout Pack 91 - Brandon Chaney (Wolf Rank) and Braxton Johnson (Webelo Rank). Kim McCoy was our guest speaker. Kim is a Davis County HS grad-1997 and 04-05 Combat Veteran of Iowa Army National Guard. Alexis Miller, 8th grader at Davis County Middle School played 'Taps". The following fourth grade students shared essays they wrote about/for Veterans: Blake Houston, Owen Heemsbergen, and Jalyn McClure. Thank you to the ELP students for a wonderfully educational experience!
about 1 month ago, Kelsi Sankot
assembly audience
Wall of Honor
Hands down, our veterans are stars wall
Veterans are stars, wall
Attending conferences is a great way to get to know all the faces your student sees every day of school. We look forward to seeing some of you tonight! . For those of you that may have missed it, there is still time to sign-up for Thursday's conferences at: https://myschoolsystems.com/dcmustangs/davis-county-high-school/conferences.php?where_from=student&language=english
about 1 month ago, Kelsi Sankot
Reminder: P/T Conferences
DC Elementary Parents! Thursday, November 14th is our first scheduled 12:30 early dismissal for the 2024-2025 school year. Please make sure to send a note or call the Elementary office to let us know your child's after school plans for the early dismissal if it differs from their normal after school routine. This will help us make sure the 12:30 dismissal runs as smoothly as possible. Thank you for your help!
about 1 month ago, Betsy Gibson
Dismissal Plans
DC Elementary 2024 Winter Concert Times
about 1 month ago, Betsy Gibson
Concert Times