Preschool Families! The Preschool Family Night that was originally scheduled for tonight has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled. Thanks for your understanding.
Due to hazardous road conditions, Davis County Schools have cancelled classes for today, Thursday, February 6.
Due to road conditions, Davis County Schools will have a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6.
Wednesday, February 5 - Due to incoming weather, Davis County Schools have cancelled classes for today.
DC Elementary Valentine's Day Information
Happy National School Counseling Week to our Alumni Spotlight, Danielle Harris!
Preschool Parents! Don't forget to join us next week for our February Preschool Family Night.
Next up, we spotlight Caitlin Kilburg and her excellent advice for students.
2025-2026 Preschool and Kindergarten Registrations are now open: *Register for Preschool at or scan the QR code. *Register for Kindergarten at or scan the QR code.
Due to extreme weather conditions, Davis County Schools will have a 2-hour delay on Tuesday, January 21.
With National Pharmacist Day earlier this week, we are highlighting Mylo Wells, owner at Wells Hometown Drug!
Please register at your earliest convenience so that we may prepare. We look forward to sharing with you on January 28th!
"We are the first generation to raise digital natives — kids who’d rather text than talk. And, let’s be honest, it’s hard. In fact, surveys reveal that technology is the number one battleground in homes today. Screens have seeped into every corner of our kids’ lives, and many of us are trying to navigate this unpaved parenthood road alone.
That’s where we come in. Screen Sanity is an international nonprofit that equips parents to be mentors and guides so kids grow up happy and healthy in an increasingly digital world. We offer a variety of tips, tools and trainings, all designed to help families maximize the benefits of technology while minimizing the harmful side effects. Join us in creating a world where kids are captivated by life, not screens." -
We kickoff 2025 Alumni Spotlights by honoring the newly retired, Dave Davis!
Please register for this event at:
Is your family in need of a little screen-life balance? Save the date of January 28th for our Screen Sanity Parent Night, an event that will equip you with tools and techniques for raising happy, healthy kids in an increasingly digital world.
Reminder: Is your family in need of a little screen-life balance? Save the date of January 28th for our Screen Sanity Parent Night, an event that will equip you with tools and techniques for raising happy, healthy kids in an increasingly digital world.
Check our this video:
You may register here:
Happy Holidays from the Mustang family to yours! We wish you a joyful winter break with a chance to rest and relax. Can you guess who is who from our district leadership team!?
We spotlight Jeremy White this week! He is now a professor at Iowa State University.
We just wanted to remind you about sharing your input about desired skills and characteristics for our next Davis County / Moulton-Udell CSDs Shared Superintendent. We have contracted with Grundmeyer Leader Services to assist us with the search; step one of the process is to elicit input from district patrons via a Stakeholder Survey. If you have not yet done so, please complete the survey as soon as possible. If you already have completed the survey, thank you (complete it only once per person). Enclosed is a flyer about the Stakeholder Survey, as well as the link to the actual survey. If you prefer, the direct link to the survey is below; the survey closes December 20. Thank you for providing input to the Boards of Education in moving forward with this most important hire.
Survey flyer:
Survey link:
Next up, Kyle Miller! Kyle is a recent graduate. He worked for his current employer during high school, furthered his education and is now Marketing Director.
Awesome job to Mrs. Gerleman and all of our performers at the Elementary Concert today! Kindergarten even had a pre-show on the red carpet - an ABC fashion show!