volleyball net

August 27, 2019 

Hello Volleyball Players and Parents: 

Here is some information about the 5/6 Cardinal volleyball league. We’re hoping to have at least one team for each grade level. 

COACHES: Our 6th grade coach is Jacque Humphrey. She can be reached at 799.4474. Our 5th grade coach is Sarah Grim. She can be reached at 208.7207. 

REGISTRATION: Please fill out the registration form and turn in to the middle or high school office by September 6th. Parents will also need to sign the team waiver form for Cardinal’s purposes. Please come to the gym either before or after practice on the first day to sign this form. 

PRACTICE: We will practice on the following days/times: 

• Tuesday, 9/17 from 4:30-6 at the High School 

• Thursday, 9/19 from 5:30-7 at the Middle School 

• Tuesday, 9/24 from 4:30-6 at the Middle School 

• Thursday, 9/26 from 5:30-7 at the Middle School 

• Monday, 9/30 from 5:30-7 at the High School 

• Thursday, 10/3 from 4:30-6 at the Middle School 

• Tuesday, 10/8 from 4:30-6 at the High School 

• Thursday, 10/10 from 4:30-6 at the Middle School 

• Tuesday, 10/15 from 4:30-6 at the High School 

• Thursday, 10/17 from 4:30-6 at the Middle School 

We understand that kids are involved in many activities throughout the week. Please communicate with the coaches if your child is unable to be at a practice or will be late or need to leave early. 

TOURNAMENT DATES: We will play each of the following four Saturday mornings at Cardinal MS/HS gym: September 28, October 5, October 12, and October 19. We will be scheduled to play two games each of these dates. Games are scheduled between 8am and noon. Teams will play two games to 25 or 35 minutes. Parents will be responsible for arranging transportation to and from Cardinal schools. 

LEAGUE INFORMATION: This is a skill building league. We will strive for equal playing time. The service line for 5/6 grades is moved up from the original 30 foot service line to a 23 foot service line. There will be a five serve limit per player. The net will be lowered. 

COST: The cost is $30 for each player, which covers the league registration fee and a team t-shirt. Please turn in the registration fee with the registration form or at the first practice. 

EQUIPMENT: Players need their own knee pads and black shorts in any style. No jersey is needed for this league, so we will wear our team shirts for tournaments. 

Please let Jacque Humphrey or Sarah Grim know if you have any questions. We’re looking forward to getting started!! 


Brooke Mason Head Volleyball Coach 

Click here for Registration Form!