Just wanted to send out an overview of what PIE is working on for the Elementary School:
Santa's Workshop: Organizing gifts, purchasing more gifts, getting wrapping volunteers
Box Tops: Plug the box tops in your classrooms! We are receiving less than we did and it does bring money into P.I.E.
Teacher T-shirts: Order forms are in the Cumulative File Room in the office. Orders are due by November 26th! Example shirts are also on the shelves.
Carnival: Games planned.
Kids' T-Shirts: PIE purchases mustang t-shirts for all the Kindergarten students and all the new elementary students.
Window Clings: Look for some awesome new window treatments coming soon to dress up our building!
Emblem painting: Authorized painting of emblems on the main walkway into the building and on spots for lining up on the playgrounds.
Playground: Looking to add a Buddy Bench for the Upper Playground in honor of Trevor.
The next meeting will be Thursday, December 13, 2018 in the Elementary School Library! Please come show your support!!