Davis County Community School District will offer the following COVID-19 vaccine opportunity in collaboration with Wells Pharmacy for all students 5 years and older. Please read the entire message for important information regarding the sign-up process. This will be held on-site at the elementary school.
The Pfizer vaccine will be offered this Thursday, November 11th from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm to any students with a completed consent form. Dose administration will be provided by pharmacy staff from Wells Pharmacy. The Pfizer vaccine requires two doses, 3 weeks apart to be fully vaccinated. A second clinic will be held Thursday, December 2nd for the second dose.
The student MUST be 5 years old by the date of the first clinic. For students under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must complete the consent and electronic signature. For older students a parent does not need to be present at the time of the clinic.
Students will be required to be monitored for at least 15 minutes after the vaccine, in case an allergic reaction occurs. Students will be given a vaccine card. The card will need to be brought back for the second clinic.
Please follow the link to the Wells Pharmacy website for a special clinic set up just for DCCSD to fill out the consent form, https://hipaa.jotform.com/210185091027144.
There is no cost for the vaccine to any patient.
The consent does ask for insurance information. The vaccine is provided by the government, but the pharmacy collects payment from the insurance for the administration of the vaccine.
If there is no insurance a social security number will be needed for record keeping.
Parent consent forms need to be submitted by the end of the day on Wednesday, November 10th. The consent will be electronically sent to the pharmacy from the website. The student does not have to bring it to the clinic.
*Due to the storage and handling requirements of the vaccine, there will not be extra doses available for "walk-in" appointments during the clinic.
The Pfizer Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) fact sheet is linked in the consent form for you to review.